If not, the advantages trade deficit countries receive from pushing the full burden of adjustment on to trade surplus countries will be overwhelmed by a global environment of deep mistrust and hostility. 否则,如果把全部调整负担都强加给贸易顺差国家,那么贸易逆差国家从中得到的好处,将被充斥着严重不信任和敌意的国际环境所吞噬。
It is impossible, finally, for this external adjustment to occur without big changes in the surplus economies. 最后,如果盈余经济体没有做出重大改变,这种外部收支状况的调整是不可能的。
It is important to speed up adjustment of structure between the first, the second, and the third industries and inside the industries, and to transfer surplus labors of countryside. 应加快一二三产业结构及其内部结构的调整,转移农村剩余劳动力。
The causes for the slow transformation of the dualistic economic structure in Chongqing lie in the dualistic quality in its development, the adjustment of administrative systems, the weakness in the ability to expand industry, and the difficulty in transfer surplus labor forces. 重庆二元经济结构转换缓慢的原因在于经济结构发展过程中的二元性、行政体制调整、工业扩张能力弱、农村剩余劳动力转移困难。
As the result of the global imbalance, the developed deficit countries impose the burden of adjustment to the surplus countries, and force their currencies to appreciate. 由于全球国际收支失衡日趋严重,拥有较多话语权的西方逆差国越来越多地把调整的负担强加给顺差国,对顺差国的汇率施加升值压力。
And it also promotes the adjustment of agricultural industry structure and better off farmers 'livelihoods, gives more employment to rural surplus labor force and speeds up the reform of forestry state-owned farms. 同时对带动农村产业结构调整、加速农民脱贫致富、增加农村剩余劳力就业机会以及为林业国企改革等方面发挥了积极作用。
By utilizing model of dynamic adjustment, we construct foreign reserve equation to judge whether foreign reserves is adequate or surplus. 在此基础上利用动态调整模型确定我国的外汇储备需求方程,并依此来判断我国所持有的外汇储备是否充足,或是超量。